WWYD? A parent posed a question in our group after we explained the value of praising the child after enduring the change in parental behavior (removal of accomodation), regardless of how the child reacted. In other words, it is still a success, even if the child threw a wild tantrum, because the child still survived and endured it--thus, pushing through the anxiety (which certainly deserves a high five). The parent was wondering at what point can consequences be implemented - such as swearing at the mom, hitting "gently" during this tantrum or breaking items. We did encourage the use of supporters for this. I was rereading some strategies and noted the Sit In strategy, but that seems best after the event occurs and when things are calmer. How should the parent respond in the moment? My gut says "let it happen" and deal with it after with praise and then follow up with behavioral consequences. Obviously, this is barring self harm, danger to others, etc. What would you do? We were hoping to get input from the hive mind.
de escalation all the way resist the invitation to an escalating argument or a spin on the not so merry merry go round ..for get consequ4ences come back later when things are cam denounce the behaviour in an announcement and in form you are going to stop it and do a sit in when the behaviour occurs again