Hello there - I’m trying to find an online group or individual SPACE treatment/coaching ASAP.
For various reasons, I’m caught up in accommodating SO many OCD rituals with my 15 year old son, and I understand the SPACE treatment, but I really need weekly support to implement it.
Of course, time is always of the essence, and yet for me it has become quite urgent - I’m a cancer patient, asthmatic, and now have only one lung. If I get Covid-19, I will likely be in the hospital for awhile, if I survive.
I have four children, who are already traumatized by my past hospital ICU admissions (see my other post in the parent forum for more info) and I am very concerned about how my 15 year old (the youngest) will cope. I know that starting to limit my accommodations now will help.
Surely there is a therapist who is trained in SPACE that needs/wants an online client right now? I am happy to pay OOP.
I live in Sweden and this is a very timely approach. Are there any clinicians in Sweden, preferably in the Gothenburg area. I want to attend a workshop for my son. Are there any programs for training therapists in Europe. The need is gigantic over here.