Any research on using SPACE protocol with teens that have anxiety + (OCD, social anxiety, depression, Tourette's Syndrome, ADHD, Trich)? We've been working with a SPACE-trained therapist but we keep bumping up against a fair amount of resistance from our child (that isn't distinguishing). Of late, the response to any effort to hold the line is our child staying in bed 24/7. We keep revising the plan but with no real luck. Anxiety/OCD were the primary issues until COVID but with the development of depression over the past year the methods and resources we've used in the past year don't seem to be working any more. Do folks recommend switching to a therapist who can focus on the depression specifically or can SPACE be used/modified in situations like this. Note, we've tried many meds (none have touched any of this), and kiddo recently completed IOP for anxiety and OCD and has done both group and individual ERP in the past (refusing to participate right now). Thank you!
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I also have a teenager with social anxiety (still in diagnose process). Is not going to school already for one year. Prefers to stay in bed 24/7. So Space & Teens combination info is more than welcome here.