My 13 year old child with contamination OCD is unwilling to participate in therapy. We are using space therapy but otherwise making no progress. Her habits are hardwired. E.g., wearing a sweatshirt every day to school - even if 100 degrees) to use the sleeves to touch anything, (wearing a pad in underwear in case the preferred toilet is unavailable and she can't wait).
First question: I would like to require that she participate in the Crushing OCD Class for Kids & Teens provided by Natasha Daniels. It is online and my child would watch 13 short videos (ranging from 2-25 min). I am willing to watch with her or let her watch alone at her pace. Two options: I could either 1) require she watch one if she'd like any screen time each day; or 2) reward her for watching one by giving her extra screen time. Any thoughts on pros/cons or other ideas?
Second question: Her scout troop is going on a 2 night overnight and focusing on oceanography merit badge. They will study and perform tasks related to the ocean and then watch a fun movie with an ocean theme. My child's OCD prevents her from wanting to see/touch/talk about the ocean in any way. Tonight she will find out that this weekend's campout has an ocean theme and she will be overwhelmed. Do I give her a pass on this weekend's campout? Do I offer an award if she is able to get through it but promise to pick her up early if she can't last the whole time? Do I say "you can handle it" and if she doesn't go then no screen time the weekend or following week? Thanks for any input.
We gave her a pass on the campout but she felt/feels guilty about it - like she is letting us down. I told her it was fine and we support her. She said she wants to take "some time" off scouts until she can be more committed. She doesn't ever want to do much of anything anywhere so this is concerning but she needs to drive the bus.
I really hope you let her stay home, without any punishments or rewards attached. Not every situation needs to be a teaching moment. I would focus on connection.
I am really struggling with what to do about the Scout campout this weekend. She says she cannot go. I want to give her a pass. I don't think we are setting her up for success.